Well Water Contamination & Testing

Below you will find the resources provided by DNREC and DHSS concerning the testing of private wells in Town for the presence of PFAS and PFOS (“forever chemicals”).

Slideshow Presentation 12/28/2023 Community Meeting

Well Sampling Presentation 03/07/2024 Update Meeting


To sign up to have your well water tested use this link: Sign Up for Testing

If you would like more information, or if you do not want your water tested, use this link:  Intake Information Card


Additional resources and information will be added to this page as it becomes available.  


Future meeting notices will be published under the News & Notices section of our Home page and on our Facebook page. 

There is also the private Facebook group Little Creek Residents where information can be shared by residents and neighbors on all current happenings. 


Additional Resources:

PFOS / PFOA Fact Sheet

Well Owners Guide

ATSDR PFAS Clinical Guidance


PFAS and Gardening:

Wisconsin- PFAS and Backyard Gardening (wisconsin.gov)

Maine-Understanding PFAS and Your Home Garden – Cooperative Extension: Garden and Yard – University of Maine Cooperative Extension (umaine.edu)

Michigan- PFAS in Crops, Gardening, and Food (michigan.gov)

It appears from a few studies, that leafy veggies and florets are more likely to uptake PFAS compounds. These studies also suggest it is more of a concern in shorter PFAS compounds for absorption in plants. (Sources, Fate, and Plant Uptake in Agricultural Systems of Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances | Current Pollution Reports (springer.com) and Uptake of Perfluoroalkyl Acids into Edible Crops via Land Applied Biosolids: Field and Greenhouse Studies | Environmental Science & Technology (acs.org))


PFAS and your pets, livestock etc.:

As discussed at the 3/7/2024 meeting, the general recommendation is to give pets/companion animals the same water that you consume.

From the NH Department of Environmental Services:

Should I be concerned about my pets?

You should first speak with your veterinarian if you have specific health concerns about your pets. Drinking water standards are developed for the protection of human health, not companion animals. A limited body of research indicates that companion animals (e.g., cats and dogs) are likely exposed to PFAS from drinking water, food, food packaging and various household products. Most animals process or “bioaccumulate” PFAS differently than humans and the exact levels that may cause harm are unknown at this time.



Washington Department of Ag (016-PFASinDrinkingWater)

Brake, H. D., Wilkins, M. J., & Kaneene, J. B. (2023). Per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances: using comparative medicine to understand exposure and adverse health outcomes in people and their pets. American Journal of Veterinary Research, 84(7), ajvr.22.12.0221. Retrieved Mar 7, 2024, from https://doi.org/10.2460/ajvr.22.12.0221